The 1632 old ruined St. Johns Church Renovation Project Stanmore Middlesex
The 1632 old ruined St. Johns Church Renovation Project Stanmore Middlesex


A painting of St. Johns Church, C1850

Set up website.
Obtaining the go-ahead to apply for a start- up grant from HLF.
Apply for a Start up Grant.
Receive Grant.
Commission various professionals to produce an Options Appraisal , Viability Study, and legal advice to set up a Trust.
Obtain approval to the Options Appraisal from Harrow Conservation, Historic England, DAC and other interested parties-vital..
Set up a Trust with agreement from P.C.C. and The Diocese.
Set up a Friends of The Old Church Group and a Patrons Group.
Raise Funds from various parties to support a Capital Grant.
Continue to publicise our aims and ambitions.
Apply for Capital Grant from HLF—approval process will take a minimum of 6 months and could extend to one year..
No further progress can take place until capital funds are received.

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