The 1632 old ruined St. Johns Church Renovation Project Stanmore Middlesex
The 1632 old ruined St. Johns Church Renovation Project Stanmore Middlesex

Outline strategy for renovation and restoration of the Old Church.

A painting of St. Johns Church, C1850

The preservation and regeneration of a Grade 2* listed structure for use by the community for the foreseeable future by the following measures:-
1. Make the necessary structural repairs as identified in the Quinquennial Inspection to maintain the structural integrity and to allow elements of rebuilding to take place, by causing minimal disruption to the existing monuments and the graveyard.
2. Introduce a new roof and windows to produce a watertight structure.
3. Introduce a single storey extension to provide catering and toileting facilities
4. Provide in the renovation means to generate power and heat by renewable, sustainable and cost efficient methods –i.e. PV panels to roof, Ground source heats pumps and Low Voltage LED lighting and underfloor heating powered by the heat pumps.
5. Maintain as far as possible the existing features ( see Artist’s Impressions here )
6. Provide new access and parking facilities
7. Refer to The Design Brief for greater detail

The renovation process will provide for a sustainable building
Information has been issued to Lucy Haile Harrow Principal Conservation officer 25th August 2015 to explain the proposals and was discussed at a Pre-Planning Meeting with Historic England and Harrow Council Planning department on 24th September 2015, to achieve a complete renovation as follows:-
1. Beam design for structural Glulam Beams to span existing walls
2. Design Brief for renovation of Old Church
3. PV panels and Heat Pump information
4. Cost plan prepared by JSW Consulting based on Design Brief
5. Artists Impressions based on Design Brief
Supplementary—description of a single storey extension located to north east of the building from the Aberdeen Vault to the buttressing—issued by e mail 23rd September 2015.
The foregoing will be worked up to become detailed proposals for inclusion in an Options Appraisal and subsequent approval through the Planning Process.

Post Renovation:-
It is proposed to set up a Trust to take responsibility for the renovation of the building and subsequently responsibilities which will include in- lettings and operations and general & specific maintenance.
The completed building will provide a valuable asset for the community. A partnership has been formed with the Harrow Museum for their use as an outreach centre.
It is proposed to form other partnerships and alliances with local schools colleges and education authorities, local societies etc.

Possible Usage:-
1. School usage during Term Times.
2. Evening Classes.
3. Historical visits.
4. Permanent exhibition on history of The Old Church ( including access to Earl of Aberdeen Vaults).
5. Open days for visitors.
6. A replacement facility for Church House.
1. Orchestra practising area.
2. Choir practising area.
3. Harrow Museum delivering School sessions on local history and other outreach projects.
4. Wildlife centre for Bentley Priory Nature Reserve.
5. A meeting centre for community use.
Frequent use during Year:-
1. Wedding receptions.
2. Harrow Museum Outreach.
3. Harrow Museum temporary touring Heritage Exhibitions.
4. Visiting Theatre productions.
5. Jumble Sale.
6. Art Exhibitions.
7. Stanmore Society Meetings.
8. Musical Concerts.
9. Conference Facilities.
Special occasions:-
1. Gilbert and Sullivan Concerts and visiting G&S societies-WS Gilbert grave is located close to the South West corner of the Old Church.
2. Polling station.
3. Film set—The site has been used hitherto as a set for various film productions.
4. Art gallery.
5. Historical Events.

The Old Church in its current state will continue to decay. The sterling works of Freddie Hicks and his team carried out in the nineties restored the structural fabric.
However repairs carried out every 5 years will not arrest long term deterioration. The estimate to fulfil the current Quinquennial inspection is £ 60,000.
The proposal to renovate this important historical building will arrest the decline and provide a community asset for generations to come.

The Old Church Working Group meets on a regular basis. However we are looking for active members to assist the Working Group and in time to become Trustees of the 1632 Old Church Trust.
If you are interested, and in the first instance, if you wish to volunteer please contact RB Holmes Chairman on
Remember, all are welcome to our open days on Saturdays and the volunteer guides look forward to meeting you and explaining the intricacies and extensive history of the Old Church.
RB Holmes
Chairman 1632 Old Church Working Group

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