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Stanmore Tourist Board Gallery

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Stanmore Midddlesex Part & Present

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$(KGrHqVHJEYE-kczUWZTBPwou9mwuw~~60_12 | Comments: 50
Berwick & Son. Stanmore Hill 1919
399234_474617715900994_1533833115_n | Comments: 2
The Queens Head Public House Stanmore Hill
The Queens Head Public House Stanmore Hill
Abercorn Arms and Coach.
abercorn | Comments: 6
Bentley Priory South | Comments: 2
bernaysgardens | Comments: 4
church road stanmore
crown church Road
Dennis Lane Stanmore
fountain Pub
Golf Club House Stanmore
Gordon Avenue 2 | Comments: 4
Gordon Avenue 3
gordon avenue
green lane2 | Comments: 2
Green Lane3
Junction Kenton lane & The Highway
Kenton Lane
little common stanmore | Comments: 53
Marsh Lane

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